January 8, 2020

Impact of Sade Sati-Saturn during 2020, 2021, 2022

Impact of Sade Sati of Saturn for 2020, 2021, 2022: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius


Saturn will move to Capricorn from Sagittarius on 24 January 2020. It will stay there for almost 2.3 years.

Impact of Saturn sade-sati for year 2020, 2021, 2022 is based on moon sign. Specific planetary combinations, yogas might change course of life drastically. Same prediction cannot be applicable to all as everybody has different natal chart with different and unique planetary combination and hence intensity, outcome and event timing might vary from person to person.

For detailed astrology consultation, please contact prashnakundali18@gmail.com / www.PrashnaKundali.com /  +91 7406861303. To learn more about my astrology consultation (public reviews): https://goo.gl/maps/KSdxFDJuqnf3gfZK7

After age 35, Saturn makes person mature, experienced, socially normalized, conventional, realized limitations. This maturity comes due to own perception, orderly nature and consciousness.   

Sade Sati consumes seven years out of every 28-29 year cycle. The average person can have maximum 3-4 cycles of Sade sati. It makes us practical, real and it removes the illusion, imaginary strings from our world and show you the bitter reality. But most of us are afraid of reality and that is why we are not that comfortable with Saturn’s impact on our life. Superstitious people assume that it’s going to be tough, stressful, going to lose beloved things. But it’s not like that. With help of modern education, awareness, spiritual practice, anybody can prepare well for sudden sorrow, discomfort and grief. The people who does not change as per time, will have tough time handling Sade sati. Just open your arms and ask universe to throw any situation at you. You might have lack of support, less resources, but keep walking until you reach end of tunnel. Every problem has solution lying within. Be ready for new opportunity.   


Sade sati for Vrishchik Rashi (Scorpio)


On 23rd January 2020, at last Scorpio people will be out of Sade-Sati. January 2020 might bring turmoil in family setup and regular income. Do not take any harsh steps to fix issue. Wait patiently, you will be better equipped to manage it as sade-sati will be over soon. You have to take care of your mental well-being during 2020.


Sade sati for Dhanu Rashi (Sagittarius): 2020, 2021, 2022


People born in Sagittarius will have last phase of Sade-sati after 23rd January 2020 as Saturn will move to Capricorn sign. Saturn will move to Aquarius on 28th April 2022. That will be end of Sade-Sati for you.

You need to have different but flexible approach to maintain wealth, income and family setup. Your consistent efforts required to maintain good relationship with family members, speech, accumulated wealth and regular income.

You might have some issues with teeth, eye (temporary issue with right eyesight), face. Do not ignore any warning.

You must watch your words, talk whatever is necessary but not more than that, otherwise it might be troublesome. You will be held accountable for family issues. Testing time for your patience. Your ego might take you away from family in such events. In case of weak natal Saturn in your birth chart, in extreme case you might be disassociated with family, accumulated wealth.

In case of strong, yogakarak Saturn in your birth chart, your relationship with family might improve. You might get some part of family wealth, gain in regular income through consistency and perseverance. Using suitable gemstones based on natal chart and Mahadasha would enhance the career opportunities and gain.       


Sade sati for Makar Rashi (Capricorn): 2020,2021, 2022


People born in Capricorn will have second phase of Sade-sati after 23rd January 2020 as Saturn will move to Capricorn sign. Saturn will move to Aquarius on 28th April 2022. That will be last phase of Sade-Sati for you.

Strong Saturn in your birth chart will make you optimistic, structured, persistent, visionary, steady and cohesive. Even though your schedule is tiring, hectic, taking toll on your mind and body. You might feel dryness, stiffness in muscle. You must be lawful in adverse situations, new ventures, investment. You will achieve good result only if you follow law. However, you will put good efforts to maintain good routine, to get proper nourishment for your body. You can achieve material success only after consistent and extraordinary efforts. No short cuts available here.

Weak Saturn in your birth chart will make you pessimistic, oppressive, restrictive, lazy, lonely, indecisive during this phase. Your water flow and liquidity in body might be disturbed due to Saturn’s phase. You might face dryness, skin wrinkling, stiff muscles, tiredness, laziness, bone related issues during this phase. It might become severe if you ignore it. But if you maintain your emotional energy by doing meditation, good physical exercise, you might have better results in overall life. Using suitable gemstones based on natal chart and Mahadasha would enhance the career opportunities and gain, physical and mental well-being.            


Impact of Sade-Sati for Kumbha (Aquarius)- 2020, 2021, 2022


People born in Aquarius will have first phase of Sade-sati after 23rd January 2020 as Saturn will move to Capricorn. Saturn will move to Aquarius on 28th April 2022, that will be second phase of Sade-Sati for you.

Steady efforts required to maintain privacy, personal imagination, spiritual retreat. You might have more expenditure due to funeral expense, long journey, private affairs. Losses through getting lost. You must maintain reality check for self, otherwise your fantasies will grow taking you away from reality. You might face emotional crisis due to animosity, hatred in marriage.  Strong Saturn in your birth chart will help you put consistent efforts to maintain your relationships, privacy, spiritual world, reality at equilibrium, proper level.

Weak Saturn in your birth chart can take your marriage issues to critical point. In extreme cases, you might be deported from foreign country, staying abroad will be tough, sudden delays in visa etc.  

At times, it might be just mind game, matters in subconscious and may not be due to external material pressure. Native might experience drying, leg cramps, limitations on sleep. It is important to avoid psychological depression. Using suitable gemstones based on natal chart and Mahadasha would enhance the career opportunities and gain, physical and mental well-being.  


                                                                               Shubhan Bhavatu!
