October 25, 2022

Monthly Forecast – November 2022

Monthly Prediction/Rashi Bhavishya – November 2022(moon sign or lagna/ascendant)


Get a sneak peek of your monthly horoscope forecast.

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Note: – Intensity of event depends upon planetary position/strength in your natal chart. 


At the beginning of month; Jupiter turns direct in Pisces on 24th November,

Neptune will be in Pisces, Saturn + Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries.

Sun will transit to Scoprio on 16th November.

Venus will transit to Scoprio on 11th November.

Mercury will transit to Scoprio on 13th November.

Mars will transit to Taurus on 13th November.


Aries / Mesha-

You have to decide how much passionate you want to be. You will grow with spiritual practices. You will start resolving issues in profession. Business will grow slowly.

Some might meet their life partner.

Unmarried will get married.

Some might have to make sudden travel plans. It is not a good time to fight court cases.

Home maker:

It is all about creating bonds with people.



You will be driven by your passion. Being student, you know your goal. Just follow your dream.


Taurus / Vrushabh-

Some might be eligible for promotion, recognition in their profession. Professionals might have to travel abroad for their job.

It would be better to stay away from court battles, illegal activities. Avoid getting into conflicts.



Try to avoid arguments, ego clash with family members.



Health is very important if you want to achieve your goal.


Gemini / Mithun-

You can see steady growth in business due to revised strategies.

Avoid being aggressive. Your communication based on ego might create turbulence in home and with spouse.

Partnership business may see steady growth. Your spiritual practices and guidance from Guru will lead you to good path.

Nobody can keep you away from success.



Things are quite good but you must try to spread happiness in house; nothing else matters.



You will shine. Your achievements will be recognized.


Cancer / Karka-

Professionals might find it bit difficult to move ahead. Try to maintain cordial relation with seniors. Businessmen will see steady growth herein.

Good relation with spouse will help maintain peace at home. Take care of parent’s health.



Try to strengthen relation with all family members. You will have celebrations at home.



You might have to make some additional arrangements for study routine.


Leo / Simha-

You might have some sudden gains. Professionals will have steady improvement in office. You must have good planning for short trip. Relationship with siblings will improve steadily.

Some might have opportunity to travel abroad.



Steady Saturn will make relationship with spouse peaceful and more meaningful.



You might feel unstable during mid of month. Let it go to move ahead



Your communication is key to happiness with family members.

You might see steady growth in business. Professionals might have hectic schedule in office. Some might have sudden financial gains. You will have breakthrough in career front.



Relationship with family members would be steady. You would enjoy making new delicacies.



Important assignments can be completed in second half of month.


Libra / Tula-

This can be beginning of new era in your life. Some might have breakthrough in their ventures.

This is not a very good time for marriage related things. 

During mid-month, be patient with friends, elder brother.

Heart ailments and bone related ailments might aggravate.

Relationship with partner will be turbulent; try to clear misunderstanding.


Home maker:

Health might be delicate. You will be overwhelmed with your emotions.



Your steady efforts will be fruitful. Don’t get involved in unnecessary things.


Scorpio / Vrushchik-

First half is not good as health expenses are increasing, time is not good for court cases. Either delay the process or wait patiently.

Second half would be good for new job opportunities. You can purchase new property, vehicle.

Unmarried people will have better marriage prospectus.

Home maker:

Kids will shine in their life. Complete your important tasks in second half.



You are having good time.

Second half would be better for important assignments.


Sagittarius / Dhanu-

This can be month of promotion, achievements, and good gains.

But this might not be good for love relations and marriage.

Some might purchase new property, vehicle. Don’t get into arguments with partner.



More patience required while dealing with kids and spouse.



Too many activities might spoil your study routine.


Capricorn / Makar-

You need to gather yourself for new beginning. House hold affairs need to be stabilized.

Some might get new job.

Don’t ignore health warnings.

You need to calm down bit more to enjoy life as it is.

Some might be in difficult position due to friends.



You might have to spend more time to sort out issues at home.



Though you might disturb due to house hold affairs; try to maintain focus on study.


Aquarius / Kumbh-

Professionals might have opportunity to travel abroad. Some lucky ones might get new job. Though expenses might increase; finances will be under control.

Stay away from speculation.

Make good planning for short trips.

Second half would define new direction in career.

There might be some delay in some   aspects.



Family issues can be solved in second half of month.



You might be interested in many things. But you have to decide what’s more important.


Pisces / Meen-

First half may not be that good for new ventures, marriage plans, partnership events.

Pay special attention to health warnings. Possibility of sudden up downs in financial condition.

You have excellent energy to handle any kind of situation.

Second half would be better in all aspects. It would be better to delay things in first half if not that critical.

You may prefer foreign trip in second half.



Don’t ignore health concerns. Good routine would help you to overcome any situation.



If you plan for important event like exam or any other project submission; then it would be better to postpone it to second half, if possible.


                                         Shubham bhavatu!