September 29, 2022

Monthly Forecast – October 2022

Monthly Prediction/Rashi Bhavishya – October 2022(moon sign or lagna/ascendant)


Get a sneak peek of your monthly horoscope forecast.

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Note: – Intensity of event depends upon planetary position/strength in your natal chart. 

At the beginning of month; Jupiter + Neptune will be in Pisces, Mars in Taurus, Sun + Venus + Mercury in Virgo, Saturn + Pluto in Capricorn, Uranus in Aries.

Sun will transit to Libra on 17th October.

Venus will transit to Libra on 18th October.

Mercury will transit to Libra on 26th October.

Mars will transit to Gemini on 15th October.


You are passionate, but being too much ambitious is not good in present time.

There are some new problems in business, professional front.  Second half would be better to handle those problems. Some might have to travel abroad for job. You may have to pay more attention to parent’s health.

Some might have opportunity to convert their love affair into marriage during second half of month.

Some might have urinary infection or related problems.

Home maker –    

Health of your spouse may be area of concern.

Student –  

Some might get opportunity for foreign education.



Artist will flourish, and will be recognized for their work. You will have some good gain in stock trading, business. Some might face sudden changes in foreign travel; be flexible with plan.

Some might get job opportunity during second half of month.

Home maker –  

You must give space to spouse. Respect is important factor in marriage.

Student –  

You will have great energy to perform in sports, exams.



You will have good opportunity to resolve family issues and maintain peace. You can fix issues related to your kids, business. Before investing money in any venture, you have to make sure that your strategies are aligned to current market situation; Otherwise, it is better to wait for proper time.

You may be unwell due to heat, fever or sleep related issues.   

Home maker –

Be patient with your spouse.

Student –  

If you maintain health properly; you would produce better results.



Opportunities coming your way; taking you to new horizon of career. It might take some time to stabilize things at office. Do not be logical while solving problems at office.

Partnership venture might go through some turbulent phase.

Newly married people must be patient about their spouse.

If you can avoid ego; relationship with siblings will be better.

You would enjoy time, affairs at home during second half of month.

Home maker –  

You might have some celebration, event at home.

Student –  

Do not indulge into unnecessary activities; good focus can yield good result. 



It is a good month to recover blocked money. Some lucky ones might get easy money through trading, business, or lottery.

You might have to travel for job during second half of month.

Office schedule might get hectic; but not for too long.   

Do not ignore chronic health issues.

Home maker –   

Do not be aggressive while handling home affairs.

Student –  

Good energy and good time are with you; make best use of it.



You will be energetic, positive during month. You will be full of new ideas, strategies. You might get your dues, blocked money during second half of month.  You will be rewarded for performance. Some might have their good time in job, profession. Some might get promotion, new job offers.

You must fulfil all responsibilities for your spouse.    

Unmarried people might get some good marriage proposal.

Home maker –

Do not ignore responsibilities towards spouse. Pay attention to her needs.

Student –  

If you have any doubt; take immediate help. Move fast. This is the best time to complete important assignments.



This is not a suitable time to launch new project. If you try to maintain things in hand properly; that should be fine. There will be sudden increase in expense. This is not a good time to get into legal battle.

Parents health may be area of concern during month. 

Second half of month will be better; you will have better focus. You will become more ambitious.

Some might be worried due to indigestion, urinary system, kidney infection etc.

Home maker –    

You might have to give some time to kid and parent’s health.

Student –  

You might find it difficult to focus during first half. But you can regain focus during second half.



If possible, try to complete all important tasks related to work, income, money, friends, and spouse during first half of month. You will be able to resolve issues related to it.

Some might get promotion; new job offers during first half.

First half of month might bring more expenses, more workload. You must focus on good routine.

Home maker –    

Pay attention to spouse’ health during second half of month.

Student –  

First half is better than second half to complete important assignments, and to appear for competitive exams.



It will be month of great progress in career, business front for some of you.  Some might get promotion, recognition. Your seniors will be happy with your work. You will get good opportunity to switch job. Friends will be helpful.

Partnership ventures will make it to the next level.

Unmarried people will get good marriage proposals.

Home maker –     

If married people work well with each other, they can solve many pending issues.  

Student –   

It is a break through time. You will be able to sort out pending issues. Make your study routine better.             



You might have to check twice about travel plans, job switch as you must proceed with caution. You must take care of health and family members and might have to spend more time for house and family matters.

If you are confused about important decisions, better delay the decision.  

Home maker –    

Do not confuse family members. Meditation would be helpful to maintain peace at home. 

Student –  

Several factors will trouble you; you have to keep unnecessary things aside for a while. You must understand that good study routine is important.



Though expenses are increasing, you will have steady income. You might have to let go some problems related to business partner, spouse during first half of month.

If you plan to go abroad, check all documents properly. Some might have to face some big losses during first half.

Second half would be good for marriage related activity. Some might have flash of good luck in second half.   

Home maker –    

Do not be critical about marriage issues. You can investigate it in second half.

Student –     

Second half of month would be better than first half for study, and to appear for exams.



Health will improve if you maintain optimal weight. Avoid talking without thinking and avoid investing money in dubious schemes. Friends may not be helpful. It would be better to delay marriage or related plans for some time.

Some might have turbulence in married life.        

Home maker –  

Home affairs might get to tricky point. If not sure; just wait and pray; give some time to settle on its own.

Student –  

Friends and relatives are part of life, they might take some of your time. But it would not be difficult to focus on study routine.


                                         Shubham bhavatu!